8 Reasons Heavy Metal Artists Should Use CBD Oil

CBD has become one of the simplest and most popular remedies for health problems. It’s a major fad among both the middle class and the rich and famous, including some of your favorite celebrities and athletes. These members of elite society, like everyday citizens, have discovered that CBD can offer unparalleled benefits for boosting health and wellness.

One of the most famous individuals who reports using CBD oil is Black Sabbath’s Ozzy Osbourne. This renowned heavy metal artist says that CBD oil is one of the best things he’s found for treating his pain. According to an article from, it’s so effective for his particular case that he’s going to hit the road this year for another tour.

Osbourne’s pain seemed unmanageable after a series of accidents and illnesses, including a motorbike crash, a severe bout of the flu, pneumonia, and a severe trip and fall in the middle of the night. He’s been through several surgeries, but the pain still lingers, and full-spectrum CBD oil has offered him much-needed relief.

But Osbourne isn’t the only heavy metal rock star that’s using CBD. Other artists have also dabbled in CBD oil, and they’ve enjoyed the many benefits that come from here. Here are the eight top reasons that heavy metal artists are using CBD oil by visiting i49 today.

  1. Anxiety Relief

With all the confidence that famous rock stars seem to possess on stage, it might surprise you to learn that they suffer from anxiety too. Oftentimes, it’s all an act on stage, and heavy metal artists need comfort and relaxation to do well on stage.

CBD comes in handy in this respect because it eases their anxiety without making them high. It allows them to stay focused on high-energy while on stage and actually enjoy themselves while performing!

  1. Stress Relief

Along with the anxiety that bears down on many rock star performers, there’s also significant stress. The pressures to do well and keep up in the competitive world of heavy metal can feel unbearable at times. Unfortunately, stress can lead to other health problems like substance abuse, muscle pain, heart disease, weight gain, anxiety, and so much more.

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In the same manner that CBD can treat anxiety, it can also help individuals manage stress. CBD is a natural stress reliever because it’s believed to reduce the brain’s production of the stress hormone cortisol and increase the production of serotonin and dopamine.

  1. Sleep Improvement

“Tortured artists” might also struggle with sleep. Mental health problems like anxiety, depression, and stress can weigh heavy late into the night. Even artists who don’t deal with mental health issues may experience long road trips and weeks away from home that make it hard to sleep.

Sometimes, it can result in insomnia-like symptoms. Lack of sleep can filter into every aspect of a performer’s life, including the ability to excel on stage and maintain health.

CBD has been linked with improving sleep for many individuals suffering from insomnia or sleep problems. It’s best for minimizing anxiety, stress, and discomfort when you should be sleeping so that you can relax and let your natural melatonin do the rest.

  1. Inflammation Management

Many people don’t realize the strain that being a musician can put on the body. Singer, particularly those in the heavy metal genre, experience severe strain on their vocal cords if they aren’t very careful or if they overdo it on a performance. Inflammation of the vocal cords is one of the most common reasons that singers cancel shows.

Inflammation may also occur for drummers, guitarists, or other musicians who experience repetitive motion when playing songs over and over. It’s not uncommon for heavy metal artists to injure themselves with their on-stage stunts as well.

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In any case, CBD is a great reliever of inflammation. It’s believed that it affects the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for immune responses like inflammation. It can help the system reach homeostasis, which may reduce inflammation.

  1. Pain Relief

Whether you’re in pain from working too hard on stage or being on the road, CBD can be a great pain reliever. It’s commonly used for those who experience chronic pain, including fibromyalgia and arthritis.

Many celebrities have used CBD to treat their pain including Montel Williams, Morgan Freeman, Mandy Moore, and Kristen Bell.

  1. Reduced Skin Problems

We’ve all seen the commercials for skincare products like Proactive that have virtually erased the acne of individuals like Adam Levine and Alicia Keys. This clearly indicates that celebrities are not immune to skin conditions that plague the everyday individual, and heavy metal artists are no different. Many of them suffer from hormonal breakouts and chronic acne that CBD could help treat.

Many individuals have used CBD creams, cleansers, and ointments to rid their skin of free radicals and excessive sebum production, the most common cause of acne. It’s believed that taking CBD orally could also help to minimize hormonal breakouts because the endocannabinoid system in your body is responsible for regulating hormonal responses.

  1. Substance Abuse Recovery

There have been far too many reports of heavy metal artists falling into substance abuse addiction. This is one of the most difficult holes to climb out of, and recovery will always be difficult whether we’re talking about detox or avoiding relapses.

CBD has been used in addiction recovery settings to help individuals overcome their addictions and avoid relapses. Some studies show that those trying to overcome their addictions used CBD to reduce cravings and treat withdrawal symptoms. Many use CBD in place of another substance, which is not addictive and has very few side effects.

  1. Treats Depression

Have you ever heard of heavy metal artists referred to as tortured artists? In some cases, this is an exaggeration, but it hits home for many others. Some singers, songwriters, and musicians are gripped with depression that makes it difficult for them to remain productive and accomplish their goals.

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CBD has been used to treat depression successfully for many individuals. Anxiety and depression are caused by similar hormonal and chemical imbalances in the brain, and CBD might be able to resolve some of these problems for many individuals.

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