buy hemp oil capsules

If you buy hemp oil capsules using our tincture bottle that contains terpenes please follow the dosage instructions and take sublingually (under the tongue). If you’re using our Pure Hemp Maca product please take as directed at 3-9 capsules per day.

We are passionate about the role of cannabinoids and plant-based medicine in modern healthcare. So if you are suffering from a chronic health condition, or have symptoms that don’t improve with conventional medication, CBD oil and medicinal cannabis may be a great natural option.

Our dedicated team will provide you with ongoing support and will answer any questions you have. All our friendly and trained medical professionals know, and believe in, medicinal cannabis.

can you buy hemp oil online

When looking at the best CBD products in NZ and choosing the best CBD product for you, it is important to choose a product that is:

Full spectrum (or broad spectrum at least) – these are full plant extracts. Full spectrum means it has some THC (very tiny amounts) and broad spectrum means it has other cannabis compounds, but not THC. Some products are CBD isolates (also known as pure CBD). These also have a therapeutic role but are thought to be less effective.

Cost effective and has sufficient CBD to last you a good trial period.

Reasonably priced – some pharmacies are adding a 100% or more profit margin on products.

Legal and not sold online without a prescription – these products are not only illegal, but you could be paying for an ingredient it doesn’t contain (even though it’s written on the label).

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